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Courtyard outside the techblock on a sunny day

From the principal, 11 August 2020

Andy England —

Lots of classes learning outside and developing our junior curriculum.

After spending so much time earlier this year stuck inside due to lockdown, our classes are really starting to get out and about. This week we have junior basketball teams in Westport, senior Geography going to Franz Josef and senior Biology going to Orana Park, with rock climbing, netball, Punakaiki Geography and skiing all coming up in the next two weeks. 

We're very careful to make sure we meet the legal requirements, in that we don't charge parents for trips that are part of our curriculum but we do ask for a voluntary donation for overnight trips - if you can't afford it, you don't pay and your child can go anyway. We have to balance our books so we do appreciate all donations we receive. Optional trips, such as sports, do have a user pays approach. But again, if you can't afford this please do say as we will use a fund to pay or contribute for your child.

This year, our Year 9 students are experiencing a curriculum that has been planned differently (to connect learning areas and to include inquiry learning in QWest). We've just had an external consultant report back on that and we're evaluating as we go. I'm really pleased with the progress our teaching team has made - QWest, especially, presents a significant change to "how we've always done it" and those teachers are bravely trying to develop a new approach. We know we've not perfected our curriculum yet but, in truth, no-one ever does as curriculum is always evolving. 

We will continue to develop this 'connected' curriculum through to next year's year 10, with our Values and the key competencies prominent. We're currently working through with staff and students how that will look and we'll seek parent input soon.

Noho ora mai

Andy England