Hero video
Principal's update end of week 1, term 2, 2020
Video by Andy England

Week 1 under CV19 Level 4 and next steps

Andy England —

Week 1 saw great attendance online. We don't yet have enough detail about CV19 Level 3 arrangements to make plans.

This week we saw attendance rates up to 90% at year 9 and good throughout the school. Yes, we had some hiccups and laughs, but overall I believe we managed ourselves as a community extremely well. 

Thank you to the parents/whanau who are supporting our students, and to the staff who have done amazing jobs of preparing work and teaching from home (often while supporting their own children). Well done to the students I saw arriving on time, having completed background work, using good online etiquette and generally making the most of the situation.

We are trying to access devices, chargers etc to help with home learning and we are working on getting paper packs to students who need them, especially NCEA support packs.

We will wait for more details from MoE about the move to a level 3 alert status and how that looks in school. We will contact you to find out whether you're likely to be sending your child to school and how, to help us make plans.

Have a great weekend.