Mel Crosbie - April 11, 2024
The Government is making reporting and enforcement action to reduce non-attendance and truancy a high priority. This is part of the government’s target of ensuring 80 per cent of students are present for more than 90 per cent of each school term by 2030.
At GHS we recognise that education is the pathway to the future. The key to educational success relies on being present at school. Consistent routines and mileage is a big component of learning and setting our children up for a lifetime of success. Children need this repetitive exposure to school so that their neural pathways in their brains develop resilience, perseverance and discipline. We are all parents and fully understand that children may need to be absent when they are sick, but we are asking that you look out for the signs of whether they are unwell or just have a sniffle.
Recent research by ERO (Education Review Office) shows children are missing school more in New Zealand than other English-speaking countries.
So far this year, our school has 74% of children attending school 90-100% of the time. That means that 141 of our students (26%) are attending school less than 90% of the time. So that you can keep on top of your childs attendance, we will be sending out updates at the end of each term to anyone whose attendance has dropped below the 90%.
Regular attendance at school makes a big difference: the more often children attend school, the better they do at school, the happier they are, and the better they are set up for life.
Research shows that you have a big impact on your child’s attendance. While your child is at primary school, your input is vitally important. You can help set up good habits that will last for the whole time they are at school.
Below are some things that you can do which help.
Talk to your child about how school is important for their future, and how it is important to go every day. Be positive about school!
Only take your child out of school when there is a really good reason, like if they are sick.
Take holidays during the school holidays.
Make appointments, wherever possible, outside the school day.
Come and speak to us if your child is feeling uncomfortable about something at school as we’re here to help. When your child is happy at school they will want to attend.
Please support your child by looking at what else you can do to improve your child’s attendance. Among other things, we will report to you termly on progress with our whole school attendance averages. Together we can improve attendance.