Teina Whānau Update
Hayley Brass - March 8, 2023
Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation is used to teach us how to regulate our feelings, energy and sensory needs in order to meet the demands of the situation around us and be successful socially. We have been learning about the Zones, and what we can do if we feel that we are moving out of the green zone. The green zone is our optimal zone for learning as we feel happy, calm and focused.
Shout Out Winners
During our Teina assembly each fortnight, some lucky children who have been showing our school values get pulled out of our shout out jar. On a Thursday, Miss Brass calls for those lucky winners to meet her in a secret location where they enjoy a special reward. This week it was some popcorn, an ice block and an extra play on the playground. Check out our lucky kids!
Northern Arena Swimming
Thank you for the positive feedback around our swimming lessons at Northern Arena. We are so excited to be offering this opportunity for our tamariki after covid stopping this from being possible the last few years. The kids are absolutely buzzing and can't wait to go. We have nearly received all payments, thank you for this. A reminder that if you child does already do swimming lessons, Northern Arena offer lessons for a wide range of abilities. Your child will be grouped according to their swimming ability, you are able to indicate this on the notice that came home this week.
Room 8 Spreading Positivity
Room 8 has been learning about mindfulness and having a positive mindset. They have been designing posters to spread happiness around the school and shared some affirmations that we can say to ourselves each day. Thanks Room 8!