Hero photograph
Photo by Mel Crosbie


Mel Crosbie —

As we are fast approaching the end of Term 1 we are really focusing on the importance of having high expectations and how these relate to our school values.

Image by: Mel Crosbie

Having high expectations of children is crucial for their overall development and success. Here are just some reasons why it's so important:

Tu Kaha:

  1. Promotes Growth Mindset: When children are held to high expectations, they learn to believe in their own abilities and understand that effort leads to improvement. This fosters a growth mindset, where they see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. At Gulf Harbour School we are all about a 'Give it a Go!' attitude.

  2. Encourages Achievement: High expectations push children to strive to do their very best in everything they set their mind to, whether that may be in their academic work, personal, or social interactions. 

  3. Builds Self-Confidence: Meeting or exceeding high expectations boosts children's self-confidence and self-esteem. It instills a sense of pride in their accomplishments and reinforces their belief in their capabilities.

  4. Prepares for Real-world Challenges: In the real world, success often requires meeting demanding expectations. By setting high expectations early on, children develop the resilience and determination needed to tackle challenges in various aspects of life.

  5. Promotes Lifelong Learning: High expectations encourage children to develop a love for learning and a thirst for knowledge. They become more curious, inquisitive, and motivated to explore new ideas and concepts beyond what is required of them.

  6. Fosters Resilience: Facing high expectations and occasional setbacks teaches children resilience and perseverance. They learn to bounce back from failures, adapt to challenges, and keep pushing forward despite obstacles. 

Tu Tika:

  1. Promotes Independence and Responsibility: When children are expected to meet high standards, they learn to take responsibility for their actions and decisions. They become more independent learners.

  2. Empowers Them for Leadership Roles: Individuals with high expectations set for them often develop leadership skills, as they learn to inspire and motivate others through their own achievements and determination.

You can help us at home too by setting high expectations. If we work together, our tamariki will be on the right path to success.

Image by: Mel Crosbie

Wishing you all a lovely long Easter weekend. We look forward to welcoming you all back when school reopens on WEDNESDAY 3RD APRIL AT 8.30AM.