Hero photograph
Photo by Nathan Hanwell

Museum Excitement Builds!

Nathan Hanwell —

The Tuakana students are very excited in preparation for the Museum Trip next week. Just a reminder that Year 5 are attending on the Tuesday, with Year 6 on the Wednesday. Thank you so much for all of those parents who have paid/committed to paying, as this has enabled the trip to go ahead. Any remaining non-payments will be followed up early next week.

The students will be learning about Maori History, related to the early settlers, in a very immersive environment, before discovering more about insect adaptation, linked to evolution. It’ll be a very special day, and we can’t wait!

 Tuakana Superstars!

It was a real pleasure yesterday to be able to attend the Rippa Rugby Tournament up at Silverdale Rugby Club. There were two teams: an all-boys team, and a mixed team. To say they were phenomenal would be an understatement. 

Their behaviour, teamwork and sportsmanship was off the charts, as well as playing brilliantly. The boys team won all of their matches, whilst the mixed team won 1, drew 1 and lost 2. It was a fabulous day, and the students should be very proud of how well they represented the school! 

A special thank you to Melissa Wilkes and Tony Cheetham-Smith for their support in the build-up and running of the teams at this event.

Here is the Mixed Team - loving every minute! — Image by: Nathan Hanwell
Here is the Boys Team, crocs and all! — Image by: Nathan Hanwell


At our recent Tuakana Assembly, we were celebrating those students who are constantly going above and beyond with their level of responsibility. This term, responsibility is a goal we’ve set our students, as they transition to greater things in the not too distant future, and it was fabulous to see how proud they were at their achievements. Hopefully, those certificates will be taking pride of place somewhere at home!

Hannah Sampson — Image by: Nathan Hanwell
Noah Forsyth and Madison van der Walt — Image by: Nathan Hanwell
Zachary Casey — Image by: Nathan Hanwell
Oscar Nair and Lilah Pickerill (they were pleased to get their certificates - honest!) — Image by: Nathan Hanwell
Hunter Jensen & Hudson Harper — Image by: Nathan Hanwell
Liam Colcol & Miette van Zyl — Image by: Nathan Hanwell

Fundraising for Mathathon

You will have heard about our new Mathathon Fundraising Week. This will be taking place across the school in Week 7 (6th-9th June), and will involve competitions, basic facts challenges and various Math-related challenges across the school! If you would like to sponsor your child, please head over to the Sponsorship Page, found here: https://ghsmathsweekmadness.raiseit.co.nz/hub