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Gulf Harbour School

by Jacki Harrison

Teina News

Jacki Harrison - September 6, 2023

Cross Country - Was it a bird? Was it a plane?

What a day, Teina had. I didn't see a Teina child who didn't give it their all at our Cross Country event. There was so much resilience shown as our kids pushed themselves to do their very best. We have some amazing runners in Year 3/4 and look forward to watching them compete as they continue through the school. The atmosphere for the event was great and plenty of energy was burnt supporting the runners. I have to say Team Motutapu where an amazing support crew, their energy was infectious.

Image by: Jacki Harrison

Year 3 Night Walk & Sleep Over

Image by: Jacki Harrison

Our Year 3 Sleep Over notices are out and the countdown has started. Year 3 sleepover is a fantastic chance for our Tamariki to build their confidence in a safe and supported way. We have so much fun and the children will have lots of stories to share with you about their first 'school camp' experience. We will hold a camp information meeting on Thursday 21st September at 7 pm. This will be an online meeting and a link will be sent home closer to the time. Please complete your child's forms ASAP. Payment can be made on the School Shop.

Showcase Superstars

Image by: Jacki Harrison

The showcase rehearsals have cranked up a notch this week. The children have been learning about performing for an audience, entering and exiting the stage, and what to do if something is not going exactly to plan (Keep Smiling). It's a mammoth task but as always there has been fun and laughter along the way. We can't wait for the performance next week. Please keep an eye out for Hero notices from your child's class teacher which will provide information on specific aspects of your child's performance. All Teina children will be in a holding room together when not on stage, please be assured no child will be allowed to leave after the performance without their parent. Specific details about pick-up will be sent home shortly. 

Friendships & Fall Outs

Friendships can be the best part of school but they can also be tricky. As adults, we can all probably remember the ups and downs kids go through as they navigate social situations. At GHS we use our school values - Kindness, Respect, Resilience, and Responsibility - to help us resolve problems between friends and peers. As soon as we know there is an issue we will address the problem and offer support straight away. However, we can only sort the things we know about so please keep in contact with your child's class teacher or myself ( if you have any concerns or questions about your child and their friendships at school.