Hero photograph
Photo by Mel Crosbie


Mel Crosbie —

We have made it to the end of Term 1.

After a rocky start, we have finally made it to the end of our first term. It has been full of new learning and fun events including, swimming lessons at Northern Arena and trips to Okoromai Beach and Shakespear Park. A big thank you to all of our GHS staff that have worked hard this term to make learning engaging for our tamariki.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those parents and carers that have supported the school in one way or another this term. This may be from providing items to sell at a bake sale, to sorting and serving the cakes to be sold at morning tea, to selling used school uniform at the front of the school, to helping at a disco, to getting your hands dirty at a working bee. THANK YOU. We need this support so desperately and cannot run the school without your ongoing support. 

Wishing you all an amazing Easter break and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on WEDNESDAY 26th APRIL.