Hero photograph
Merissa Foryani, Bernadette Hall, Phoebe Wright, Ronnie Smart
Photo by Morrin Rout

The Hagley Writers' Institute 10th year

Morrin Rout —

The Hagley Writers' Institute recently celebrated its 10th year and has published a special edition of its literary journal, The Quick Brown Dog, edited by graduates, Sam Averis, Gail Ingram and Laura Borrowdale - here is the link to check it out: http://journal.hagleywriters.net/

Desna Wallace, a librarian at Hagley College, is the winner of the 2018 Staff Award and we are looking forward to her joining us next year.

Chelsea Houghton, who has just graduated from the Institute, has been accepted into the MA in Creative Writing programme at Massey University.

Our joint Margaret Mahy award winners for 2017 are Merissa Foryani and Phoebe Wright, and the runner-up was Ronnie Smart.