Welcome to Hail
Easily create, publish and share engaging content for your school, business or organisation 😄
Hail empowers you to create future-proofed content and curate your very own beautiful communications.
There’s nothing to install or software licensing to worry about.
Save on printing and distribution costs by publishing online.
Increase the reach, discoverability and social sharing of your content.Read more and Sign up »
What would you do with extra time in your day?
In our last survey, 94% of our customers said using Hail saves you time and money.
Thrilled to be recognised for our work to make sure we provide a secure and safe service.
Proud to say that our security protection and privacy has been recognised by successfully qualifying to be part of the Safer Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) Product Badge Program.
Our famously friendly support and helpful resources
Ways you can find help and support while using Hail
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