Hail — Jul 30, 2023

Once you’ve created your first article (or five) it’s time to add them to your first publication!

Even with Hail’s streamlined format, writing articles is still the tricky part. Luckily, creating and editing publications in Hail is very quick and easy…

Image by: Hailey Helper
Image by: Hailey Helper

And that's it- you have now completed your first newsletter and are able to check it out in all its glory, by clicking on the 👁 Preview button in the right sidebar.

At this point you can also preview what style of publication you prefer by clicking into the dropdown list, selecting a style and then click the preview button. 

Image by: Hailey Helper

When you’re happy with it, as with articles, you simply Publish It and share with your Connections.

Note: Only Hail Owners, Admins and Publishers can create and edit publications.

💡Tip: If once you have published your publication and you notice something which needs correcting, head to that specific article, edit and save the article itself. This will change in your publication and everywhere you have shared it to. The only content you can edit from within the publication section is the Publication Title, Featured Article and the Editorial/Notices text.

📺 See the video below for a walkthrough of creating publications.