Hero photograph


Hail —

The Dashboard is where you first land in Hail. It provides an overview of recent activity with the Activity Feed, handy hints from the Hail team, and the Latest Images uploaded to your account.

If there are multiple people in your Hail team you’ll see activity from everybody here. Clicking on any of the notifications or uploads will take you to the associated article, publication, image or other relevant section within Hail.

New Dashboard — Image by: Hailey Helper

If you have shared articles in the last 30 days you’ll also see stats for the number of views on 'top article of the month'; along with the most-viewed publication for the current year. Clicking on either of those blocks will take you to the full Stats Overview.

You can navigate to anywhere you need to go from the dashboard! 

💡Top tip: Click on the Hailey Helper Bird icon to access our Help Centre. Choose the option to take a tour and we'll show you around on the dashboard:

Hail Help Centre — Image by: Hailey Helper

Take a tour
(Accessible from anywhere in Hail).

Step-by-step Tour — Image by: Hailey Helper