Hailey Helper — May 24, 2024

Did you know you can effortlessly manage a website with Hail? We offer two user-friendly website layouts that are simple to update, all included in your Hail account.

Our Hail Websites creates a mobile-friendly website from your content and contacts. When you have chosen your imagery and content, you can publish your website and add a custom domain.

Head to the Website section and we will follow the website building process from top to bottom.

Website Style

Choose between our Classic or Canvas style websites. Remember, you can always preview the other style by selecting it from the drop-down menu and clicking Preview. 

Classic vs Canvas Hail Website — Image by: Hail

Banner Options

Choose what media you’d like to display in your website's main banner section. Choose articles, images, or videos. Note: article option is not available on Canvas website style.

Image by: Hailey Helper

Website Content

Looking for a different website style? The Hail+ team can create a stand-out website, fully integrated and supported by the Hail Team. Get in touch 📩