
Tip and Tricks when asking Hail Assist to write content for you.

Deciding what to ask Hail Assist when you first use the service can be challenging. This guide provides tips and tricks to help you get going.

What do you write?

Image by: Stuart Dillon-Roberts

The Hail Assist Text Prompt box is blank when you use Hail Assist.  It doesn't take long to get to grips with what to write but to help look through this article.  If you are an education provider also look at this article with more examples. 

Tips and Tricks 

Be clear and specific.

Provide a clear direction or topic for the prompt to avoid ambiguity and get more relevant responses.

Avoid general and broad prompts like "Tell me about cars," and instead ask for specific questions, "What are some eco-friendly features in electric cars?"

Ask for opinions or recommendations

Encourage Hail Assist to share opinions or recommendations on various topics. For instance, you could ask for book recommendations or travel destinations.

Seek advice or guidance.

Prompt Hail Assist for advice on specific topics, such as career guidance, or tips for learning a new skill.   

"What are some effective strategies for improving time management?"   

Request explanations or definitions

Ask Hail Assist to explain complex concepts or breakdown processes, such as maths problems, science, technology, or philosophy.     This could be "Can you explain the concept of artificial intelligence in simple terms?"   or "Explain how Clouds Form"

Encourage creativity.
Prompt Hail Assist to generate creative ideas or solutions for various scenarios, such as brainstorming new business ideas, designing a fictional character, or creating a unique recipe.  

"If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?"

Or even ask about hypothetical experiences or opinions, such as "What would you do if you had the ability to time travel?" or "What is your favourite childhood memory?" or "If you could time travel to any historical period, where would you go and why?"

Play games or trivia.

Engage Hail Assist in interactive activities by playing games like "Would You Rather" or asking it trivia questions in various domains like history, sports, or pop culture.  Perfect for creating your trivia questions for a team social.  

Request storytelling.

Ask Hail Assist to create a fictional story based on a given premise or provide a continuation for a story you started.   For example "Story about a woman man who swan across Cook Strait"  or 

Top Tip:  Experiment with different types of prompts to see what response you get and then try a different approach to see what results this generates.  

If unsure on how to start then the Support Team are an email away.