Student Leaders — Oct 12, 2020

At the end of last term we went to the Halswell - Hornby - Riccarton Community Board to talk about some of the safety and traffic flow issues around our school. The main things we talked about were congestion around the school, the school crossing on Halswell Road and the intersection at Sparks and Halswell Roads where it is not always safe to cross. The main reason for going was to make the Community Board aware of our ongoing concerns and to see if they could help in any way. We really enjoyed the experience.

The school sent out a survey on how children travel to and from school. We are using that information and what we know to develop a School Travel Plan with the help of The Travel Plan co-ordinator for the Christchurch City Council. We will be encouraging older children (year 3-8) to be dropped and picked up from school further away and walk, we will be encouraging more children to walk and wheel to school everyday, and look at other options for parents and children such as a walking school bus and a Park and Stride system.

Once we have our plan firmed up we will start working with all the children at school and letting the parents know what we are working to put in place.

In the meantime as the weather is getting better if you could encourage your children with some of the above ideas we may see an immediate decrease in the number of cars around the school.

Holly and Tainui

2020 School Leaders