Hero photograph
Photo by Stuart Cameron

Board of Trustees Elections

Stuart Cameron —

The triennial Board of Trustees elections are rapidly approaching and will take place on 7 June (Week 6, Term 2). We are keen to attract the strongest field of candidates possible for the parent trustee positions as they will play a critical role in the continued success of our school.

To help us achieve this, nominations for the elections were sent home via your oldest child on Wednesday 8 May. This form needs to be returned to the office by noon on Friday 24 May. Don't worry if you have misplaced it you can get another one from the office. A drop box has been set-up at reception.  Nomination forms can also be mailed to our postal address (1 School Road, Halswell 8025).

The full timeline for the elections is as follows:

Wednesday 8 May: Nominations forms send home 

Friday 24 May (noon): Nominations close

Wednesday 29 May:  Voting papers sent home

Tuesday 4 June (7pm): Meet the Candidates evening

Friday 7 June (noon): Election Day (voting closes)

Thursday 13 June: Votes Counted and results published

Friday 14 June: New Board takes office

If you would like to find out more about what's involved in being a parent trustee feel free to contact our Principal Stuart Cameron or current Board Chair Trevor Campbell via the school office. Either of them would be more than happy to meet with you to answer any questions.