Parent Teacher Association at Halswell School — Oct 23, 2018

Thought of any great ideas to make our discos even more fun?

Discos at Halswell School for some years have been run by the various group undertaking fundraising in the school. This year the PTA has received a lot of feedback, particularly from parents of children in the junior school, on how these discos can be made even better. The final disco of this year, to take place in week 8, will be run by the PTA with the view to taking on board the suggestions and establishing a set of guidelines for future discos to be run at the school by the various groups. The funds raised from the disco will go towards buying and replacing uniforms needed by various groups in the school such as sports teams, choir and Kapa Haka.

If you have been involved in running a disco this year or your children have attended a disco and you have some suggestions or feedback, please email