Parent Teacher Association at Halswell School — Nov 23, 2020

A sausage sizzle concession card can now be ordered via Kindo app or website

Our concession card is an alternative to scratching for coins every Wednesday morning! We are still taking cash, and the concession card can be bought on Wednesday mornings too – for now. 

Here’s how to order: 

1. Go to the Kindo app or website

2. Tick sausage sizzle $10 or $20 

3. Your child still comes to the hall kitchen on Wednesday morning to order their sausage or get their Cookie Time Cookie. 

Please note that this concession card is per family so that you can decide what can be bought on the day for which child. This card is interchangeable for a sausage sizzle of Cookie Time Cookie. The PTA hopes that this will make the payment easier for the sausage sizzle.