Rob Naysmith — Mar 17, 2021

It is really important that children arrive at school between 8:30am and 8:55am each morning. We have recently noticed an increase in the number of children arriving well before 8:30am. Learning centres are open from 8:30am. Teachers are not in a position to supervise children before this time. If you need your child to be at school early, please make use of the before school care offered by OSCAR. If you would like more information about this, please contact the office. 

Please note that classes start at 8:45am for Years 7&8 students and 8:55am for Years 0-6 students. Please make sure children are here before these start times ready to go. Children arriving late for school often puts them on the back foot for the day and creates additional administration for our office staff. 

Thank you for your support.