Student Council — Feb 2, 2018

This year, our Student Leadership programme has progressed and flourished into a different way of doing Student Council.

This year all of the years eights have received a leadership role. This will ensure all the year eights will be ready for high school. We also have a small group of Council Executives which include the two school leaders Zoe Myers and Ameya Rout. Their jobs are to hold our student council meetings and to run the school assemblies. Also part of this group are the council's secretary, Claudia Edy and the council's treasurer Scarlett Dowty. The secretaries job is too remind everyone of their responsibilities and help look after the newsletter. The treasurer's job is to manage the savings and help look after the council's budget.

This year we are introducing a new idea that will set the year eights apart from the rest of the school. We will be designing t-shirts so the younger school will be able to easily locate year 8s if need be.

Another idea is to bring back the house cup and competitions. A few years ago students would dress up in house colours and compete against other houses in order to win the House Cup. The year 8s believe this would be a beneficial idea as it is something the whole school is involved in.

The years 8s are looking forward to a great year .

-Student Council