Hero photograph
Photo by Rob Naysmith

Swimming Sports - Must be sorted tonight

Chelsea Love —

All year 5 - 8 students wishing to participate in the competitive swimming sports at Jellie Park on Tuesday 13th February need to have the google form filled out by 6.00pm TONIGHT. Competitive is for those wanting to qualify for zone swimming sports (2 lengths) or 1 length non competitive unable to qualify for zone event. All year 6 - 8 students who are not participating in competitive swimming sports will be going to Halswell Pool for the afternoon for non competitive event.Permission slips for both events will be coming home tomorrow or Friday and need to be returned on Monday 12th February. If parents are willing to help out with either event to please contact Mrs Love chelsea.love@halswell.school.nz or Mrs Dellaca mandy.dellaca@halswell.school.nz.