Hero photograph
Photo by Parent Teacher Association at Halswell School

Sausage Sizzle

Parent Teacher Association at Halswell School —

Change to process and more help needed.

We're back into the swing of things with the sausage sizzle and are now in the process of streamlining the ordering and delivery process. Due to a large number of children not receiving or losing their tickets each week, we have introduced a dual process whereby all orders will be marked on a list that is held by the Sausage Sizzle parent help on the day and the children will also receive a stamp that they can then display to collect their sausage. This means that children will need to be present when orders are made to receive their stamp. At the trial process this week, it was noted that some children have an aversion to stamps. In these exceptional cases the child will be issued with a stamped note. 

If you're one of the parents who sighs with relief at not having to come up with a fresh lunch solution for at least one day a week, please consider going on the roster to help Reinette Warren, our Sausage Sizzle Coordinator, on the occasional Wednesday morning. This will usually be from 11:00am - 12:30pm and involves food preparation and supervising the student helpers. 

Please email pta@halswell.school.nz if you can help.