Parent Teacher Association at Halswell School — Dec 7, 2020

Our weekly sausage sizzle run by the PTA needs helpers for next year. We provide training so that you will not feel that you are thrown in the deep end! We need a helper to organise the sausage sizzle every Wednesday morning, together with our Year 8 students. The time commitment here is from 8:30am – 9:45am every Wednesday morning and includes ordering the sausages, banking the money and buying the bread.

We also need parents to oversee the cooking and serving of the sausages. We do need as many parents as we can get, so that everyone ends up only doing once a month or every six weeks. The time commitment here is from 10:50am to 12:50pm on a Wednesday and depending on the number of parents we get, once a month or once every six weeks. This includes picking up the sausages at the butcher (if you can) and overseeing the cooking and the preparation for the serving of the sausage sizzle. This is all done with the help of capable students!

If you are interested in some serious fun every week whilst helping the school community, please email