Sport Leaders — May 19, 2021

On Friday our Years 5-8 students completed in the Halswell School Cross Country. It was great to see everyone getting involved in either the competitive or fun run.

The Halswell School cross country was a success again this year and it was great to see all students involved and striving for their personal best. It was windy conditions but we all battled through and had a great race. We were lucky enough to have some music around the course which was great for motivation.

This year we tried a fun run for those who didn’t want to run a competitive race. It was awesome to see so many people involved and enjoying the different obstacles around the course. Everyone was supporting each other around the course and the fun run allowed us to enjoy the day and complete it with our friends.

Good luck to all of those who have qualified for the Lincoln Zone race.

Navi and Kash