Stuart Cameron — May 27, 2019

Next Tuesday (4 June), Halswell School will be hosting a parent information evening focussing on mathematics. This will take place in the Stadium (school hall) between 6-7pm. The purpose of the event is to share with you some of the latest research about what makes the greatest difference for our maths learners and how we can encourage creative thinking and positive mindsets towards mathematics for all children.

If you haven't seen it already, you may like to watch an interview from a recent Q + A episode entitled What's Wrong with the Way NZ Teaches Maths? This 8-minute video will give you a good insight into some of the content that will be covered during Tuesday night's presentation.

The maths presentation will be followed by a 'Meet the Candidate' session for people who have been nominated for the upcoming Board of Trustees elections. The purpose of this event is to give candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to our parent community and share any thoughts they have about becoming a trustee. This session will start around 7pm and should last for approximately 30 minutes.

If you would like to attend one or both of the sessions, please register by clicking here.

We look forward to seeing you there.