Hero photograph
Photo by Zac McCallum

Library News

Zac McCallum —

Find out what has been happening in our library

Thanks for your support!

A huge thank you to everyone who came along to our Book Fair. Every purchase means that we earn free books for our school library, and thanks to your help, we raised $2700. Our wonderful new books will start appearing in the library over the next couple of months.

Scholastic Book Club will be back next term and our second Book Fair will be in early November.

Image by: Zac McCallum

Schools Pride Week

Next week in the library, we are celebrating Schools' Pride Week. This is an annual event across the country that supports rainbow young people to have a sense of belonging in their schools and communities. The rainbow community includes 'people whose sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics are different from the majority norms.' Children are constantly trying to figure out who they are and where they belong. Some children know that they identify as a boy or as a girl, but others may be unsure where they fit. I aim to ensure that the books we have in our library collection represent our children, no matter how they identify. 

We'll be doing some rainbow crafts throughout the week in the library and rainbows will be popping up all over school. Check out our display in the library for some books with diverse characters.