Rob Naysmith — Dec 8, 2020

Congratulations to Lena A, Chelsea H, Jamelly M and Lola O, who had their poems published in the latest edition of the School for Young Writers magazine 'Write-On'. Their work was chosen from over 600 submissions.

Hide From The Enemy

Beaches sneezing sand

into every nook and cranny

of your belongings.

Temperatures so hot

that your sweat could

fill an Olympic sized pool.

Slathering creamy white gunk

onto every inch of your body.

Fair skin that will not go

the perfect shade of brown,

only angry tomato red.

The sun creeping up behind

you with daggers ready to stab

your skin to make it red and uncomfortable.

Lena A, Yr 6, Halswell School

The Sly Blossoms

A handful of petals thrown at you in the wind,

They’re running around all over the place.

Branches dangling, stabbing your face.

Hay fever sneaking up behind you.

You’re sneezing uncontrollably everywhere.

I definitely won’t be going anywhere near them.

Jamelly M, Y6, Halswell School

The Night Awakes

The moon shines bright,

the shadows squawk,

stars sprinkled in the moonlit sky,

spooky noises seep through the window,

sneaky shadows dance around in the midnight blue.

Lola O, Year 6, Halswell School

Sloppy Spring!

I get ready to walk outside

into the warm sun,

the weatherman said that's what we should expect

sun, warmth.

But as I step outside

I feel the bitter cold air

blowing into my face

changing by the minute.

It warms up during the day,

the sky bright blue and cloudless

but one other thing appears,

people sneezing and sneezing

spreading germs and saliva through the air.

People’s eyes watering

it looks as though they are crying.

As I return home,

I walk out to the trampoline

the sun has warmed up the grass

I feel the soft grass between my toes

but the next step I take

I feel something prick the base of my toe,

A PRICKLE! I pull it out

and run back to the deck to put on my shoes

afraid that with every step I take in bare feet

a surprise will come!

Chelsea H, Year 8, Halswell School