Board of Trustees — Mar 16, 2021

Kia ora koutou

As many of you will be aware, the Halswell School Board of Trustees is in the process of completing a number of property projects around the school as part of the Government's School Investment Programme.

Our next major project is the construction of a new 20m x 32m astroturf court to be located on the field between the hall and School Road.

One of the challenges we face as a school is the limited playing areas we have available, especially with a roll of close to 700 students. The lack of space is further compromised in the winter months when the field is often unable to be used due to it being sodden with water. The new astroturf court will give us a much needed all-year-round surface for our children to play on.

Unfortunately, to fit the astroturf court in, we will need to remove four of the existing oak trees. On a positive note, we will be able to retain seven trees along the School Road fenceline. Retaining these trees will help to maintain the current aesthetics on the school boundary.

The removal of the oak trees is not a decision the Board has made lightly. We have explored all possible options to allow us to retain the trees but it is not viable to put the court in without the removal of the four oak trees.

We have been proactive in establishing a long-term tree planting plan with Boffa Miskell who played a key role in developing the landscaping plans when Halswell School was rebuilt. The Board is committed to replacing any tree that may need to be removed with another, more appropriate native tree that aligns more closely with the planting plan and the school’s cultural narrative. A copy of the tree planting plan is attached to this article.

We understand that removing the oak trees will be a contentious decision for some members of our school and local community, but believe that it is the opportunity cost of creating a valuable resource for our children to enjoy for many years to come.

We are working towards having the astroturf completed and ready for our children to use part way through next term.

Ngā mihi nui

Halswell School Board of Trustees