Hero photograph
Photo by Rob Naysmith


Millie —

A great effort, with our Year 6 team winning their heat which books them a slot in the finals. Our yr 7/8 team also did extremely well in their competition which was one of the highest scoring of any heat in the competition.

EPro8 - By Millie 

On the cloudy morning of Wednesday the 6th of June 2018 Millie, Izzy, Oliver and Jackson arrived at Christchurch South Intermediate for EPro8 a competition amongst schools. The E stands for engineering the Pro stands for problem solving and the 8 stands for innovate. After the briefing by Kelvin we were off the battle had begun. After looking through the book of challenges we started our first challenge a while after we got the points and were in first place (because no other teams had any points). With 1 and a half hours to go we were still in first after getting more points, but we were closely followed by another team with one hour to go a team had gotten in front of us and now we were tied for 2nd and then tied for 3rd and after a while we had slipped down to 6th. After an epic challenge and completing it with two challenges in one we were back in front and planned to stay there. With a minute to go and 310 points we knew we had won, the team in second with 230 points we jumped with happiness. After a huge cleanup we were handed our first place certificates then a trophy which will be taken home for one night by each of us and will be returned to the trophy cabinet at Halswell school.