Hero photograph
Hunter (Ōtūmatua) enjoying learning from home
Photo by Stuart Cameron

Principal's Desk

Stuart Cameron —

Tēnā koutou e te Whānau

Welcome back to Alert Level 2! We were delighted to have our staff back on site today to prepare for the school's reopening tomorrow. Thank you to our parents who managed to make alternative arrangements for childcare today at very late notice. 

We are really looking forward to welcoming all children back to school tomorrow morning and getting back to some sense of "normality". Alert Level 2 will feel somewhat familiar for our students but there will be a few notable differences for parents and children. Yesterday we sent out some detailed information about what to expect when school reopens. The following is a  brief summary of the key points. We would encourage you to have a chat with your children about these changes tonight so they are prepared for tomorrow. 

  • It is safe for all children and staff to return to learning onsite at Alert Level 2.
  • Children displaying symptoms of illness must stay at home. 
  • Increased hygiene, cleaning and contact tracing systems will be in place.
  • Please drop children off at the gate if possible (this is a great way of helping to build independence). 
  • All visitors including parents must sign in using the School App Covid feature or via the Office. We encourage you to also use the NZ Covid QR codes to keep track of your movements.
  • Entry and exits into the grounds will be via the main entrance and bike/scooter area only. 
  • The grounds are closed to the public outside of school hours.
  • The drinking fountains will be shut off so all children need to bring a full water bottle.
  • Sausage Sizzle and Tuckshop will not be operating at Alert Level 2.
  • Masks are not mandatory at primary schools but children and staff may wear them. We encourage any parents or visitors coming into the site to wear one.
  • OSCAR, Kelly Sport and Baxter's Buddles will be operating from tomorrow with Alert Level 2 protocols in place.

Finally, today we wrapped up our Distance Learning Programme (DLP). I would like to acknowledge all of the hard work our staff have put into the DLP and thank our families for the support you have given us over the past three weeks. We know that having your children learning from home has been a real juggle for many families but I firmly believe that these shared experiences have ensured that the partnership between and school has never been stronger. 

See you in the morning!

Ngā mihi nui

Stuart Cameron
