Natasha Fraser — Mar 16, 2020

On Friday, all Halswell students participated in our Halswell Sports Day. Students were competing in their houses, demonstrating great teamwork and perseverance in the harder activities.

Here is a recount from Zoe P (Y6) and Juliet Y (Y5) in Koreke, Otawhito.

On Friday the 13th of March, Halswell School had a Sports Day which is a sport house competition. The juniors participated from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, and the seniors had theirs from 12:45 - 3:00 pm. 

First, we lined up in teams with the older seniors as our leaders. Miss Fraser was in the middle of the small court looking like the Grinch as she was dressed in green from head to toe. She spoke about the day and finally sent the teams off to start their activities. Mossman and Guiney went off first, with a cheer. Next was the Megson and Foster teams who ran off to start their activity with a smile on their face. We all had to face a different colour team each different activity.

Each team did the water pipe challenge. Mossman four (Zoe’s team) were the first to have a go. In this activity, we had to block the holes of a tall long pipe while one person from each team poured water from a bowl into the pipe. The aim was to get the water to the top which meant you had to keep the holes from leaking water. Lots of teams got soaked from the icicle cold water, some teams more than others. It was such a fun activity where we had to work together.

Another fun activity was the egg and spoon race. The eggs were all wooden and easy to balance on the sturdy spoons. When Mossman and Megson teams were versing each other, Megson won easily because Mossman went too fast dropping the egg. If you dropped the egg you’d have to start again! It was great to always see people encouraging each other and not being sore losers.

In the hall, we played dodgeball with the rubbery yellow squishy dodgeballs. Teams hurled the balls as far and as hard as they could. In the Mossman vs Megson game, there were balls everywhere but Megson hurled the balls harder and further, winning the game. Next was the lily pad race activity. We split our teams into boys and girls and got into lines. The girl team started lightning fast but became slower when passing the pads to the front girl. Foster won by miles.

At Sports Day everyone had a great time! We were all working together, cheering each other on and most of all spreading house spirit. We all know that Mossman house is the best (because it's our house)!!

By Zoe P. and Juliet Y.