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Photo by Zac McCallum

Scholastic Book Club - Issue 2 out now

Zac McCallum —

Issue 2 of Scholastic Book Club is out now and your child should have received a paper copy from their class teacher. If not, you can view it online here.

Scholastic Book Club is a chance for you to purchase great books for your child, while also supporting our school library. Every purchase you make helps us to get free books for our library.

Orders are due in by Wednesday 20 March. Online orders are preferred, but cash orders can be delivered to the school office. Orders are placed through the Scholastic Loop app. If you are new to Scholastic Book Club you can find more information about it and how to use the Loop app in the parent guide attached to this article.

If you have any questions you can email me or pop in and see me in the library.