Natasha Fraser — Oct 12, 2020

After some awesome korfball practices run by Korfball Canterbury at school, we entered a large group of enthusiastic children to the Canterbury Korfball tournament.

On the last Wednesday of Term 3 a group of 60 Otāwhito students competed in the Canterbury Korfball Tournament at the Celebration Centre. Halswell School had 5 teams competing in a round-robin format and all of these teams represented our school exceptionally well. Our Halswell 3 team made it to the final and edged ahead 8-5 in the closing minutes in an extremely exciting match against Pegasus Bay School. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the tournament! An extra congratulations to Liam C, Zac F, Rosie S, and Luke G that were awarded and named in the tournament team for exceptional skills and sportsmanship.