Lisa Dovey — Aug 15, 2018

Over the next few newsletters we will be sharing some information about the different aspects of our trip to Samoa. First up - The Orphanage.

When Anita Head and I first heard about the Orphanage in Samoa, we were surprised that so many children (around 80) would be orphaned in such a small country! However, on visiting the Samoa Victims Support Group (SVSG) offices, we discovered there were some myths to be debunked! 

Firstly, it is not an orphanage.  The House of Hope, run by the SVSG is more of a refuge for children who are no longer safe living in a communal housing situation with their father, uncle, male cousin etc.  The girls who live there have been removed from their homes, or are the children of those girls.  The House of Hope gives the girls a safe environment to live in and provides schooling whilst they are out of their homes.  The ultimate aim is to safely return the girls to their homes...but this is not always possible.

Secondly, rather than donating money (though I am sure this would be useful too), the SVSG have asked us for actual items of support (such as nappies, toothbrushes etc).  The SVSG are responsible for many other support groups in Samoa, so find it easier to have the items provided.  This also ensures the girls are not being seen as a money making venture.

Lastly, the Manager of the SVSG was very clear in that the girls just want to feel normal...and that a visit from our girls will let them know that they are not 'the forgotten'.

As you can imagine, we are looking forward to giving these girls a 'normal' experience.  If you would like to donate an essential item to The House of Hope, please bring it in to the school office and we will endeavour to get it all to those who need it most.