Zac McCallum — Feb 15, 2018

Find out what is happening in our library

Student Librarians for 2018

Thank you to all of the students who applied to be a student librarian this year.  If you missed out this year please make sure you apply again next year.

Our student librarians for Term 1 and 2 are:

Talia Weston, Annabel Diprose, Courtney Henderson, Izzy Clyne, Anamika Golding, Ameya Raut, Reuben Long, Olivia Gordon, Lena Abdinor, Holly Grant, Millie Arnst, Nathan Allan, Rosa Murray. Harper Ahkuoi-Scott and Holly Chapman.

Our student librarians for Term 3 and 4 are:

Talia Weston, Annabel Diprose, Courtney Henderson, Izzy Clyne, Anamika Golding, Ameya Raut, Reuben Long, Emma Wright, Piper Stone, Christina Nam, Katie Marshall, Finn Cudby, Ella Ralfe, Lauren Etheridge and Ben Dufaur.

Congratulations!  I look forward to working with you all.

Summer Reading returns

I hope your children enjoyed their Summer Reading books that they borrowed from our library over the holidays. If they still have Summer Reading books at home can they please return these to the library this week.

Library Book Club

Our library book club has now started for the year. Children in Year 4-8 can come along to the library at first lunch on Wednesday and chat about books with other children.  It is an informal group with us talking about all sorts of books instead of reading the same book. I lead the group and share some of my book suggestions.  To join up children just need to come along with a book they're reading and their lunch on Wednesday at 12pm.

Soraya Nicholas author visit

Soraya Nicholas, the author of the Starlight Stables series, visited us again in the library today.  She talked about her writing and her new Starlight Stables books.  If your child missed out on buying one of Soraya's books and they still want to, please bring the cash in an envelope to Mr McCallum and I will get the books you want from Soraya.  Each of the books are $15 each.