Hero photograph
Photo by Rob Naysmith

Our Covid Planning - Level 2

Rob Naysmith —

School operates differently depending on the alert level. This article outlines our processes at Level 2. You can check our website for detail on all levels.

At all Alert Levels, Guidelines and directives from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education will be followed. This information is constantly updated as more information becomes available.

Level 2

Attendance and Visitors to School Site

  • All children are expected to be at school during Alert Level 2.

  • Signs put on all entryways saying grounds are closed to the public.

  • Staff to supervise gates when they are open to ensure there is no entry by the public unless they have signed in.

  • Gates are opened for general entry at 8.30am (Band/choir etc maybe earlier). Only the two main gates will be opened.

  • Halswell Road patrol will continue to be monitored by parent helpers.

  • Drop-Off - Parents are encouraged to drop children at the gate or get older children to walk or wheel to school.

  • Pick-up - Gates remain locked until 3pm, then monitored by senior staff. Caregivers to organise a meeting point with children and encourage walking and wheeling home. The two main gates plus the Year 7/8 gate will be opened.

  • Afternoon Halswell Road, Road Patrol supervised by senior staff. Kennedy’s and School Road crossings supervised by Learning teams.

  • Caregivers are encouraged to phone or email teachers/office staff with queries rather than see them in person.

  • Parents or visitors entering the school site must sign in using either the Covid-19 check-in, on the SchoolAppNZ app or the Vistab in the office. - No exceptions*


  • Teachers’ model and reinforce good hygiene practices (coughing into elbow, hand washing etc).

  • Drinking fountains will be turned off - Children need to bring a full, named, water bottle.

  • Hand sanitiser - by entry doors and used when coming into the learning centre - hand sanitiser at front office for visitors and office staff.

  • Hand washing - children wash and dry hands before eating morning tea and lunch. Hand sanitising/washing before any other eating.

  • Toilets cleaned regularly - door handles and touch points cleaned once daily. Outside doors of the toilet block to be wedged open so that children do not need to touch handles. Exit and entry signs on the doors to allow for better flow.

  • Unwell children are to stay home. Any children showing any signs of illness will be sent home immediately

  • Sausage sizzle and tuck shop will not operate.


  • School trips will be postponed or cancelled unless within our school zone and are within a controlled environment where children are not interacting with any other members of the public except a facilitator specific to the activity (e.g Park Ranger at the Quarry - Some sporting events will be able to go ahead without spectators)*.

  • No full school Assemblies will take place.

  • No visiting performances or events for the community will take place (e.g - community information evenings) as this could easily exceed the 100 person (adult) limit.

  • Some events such as Learning Confreenecs will be able to take place with additional measures put in place.

  • Kapa Haka, Concert Band, Choir can continue as usual. Space children out where possible.

  • School gates are locked after hours.

  • Hall and music room community bookings are cancelled.

  • Play and lunch breaks will be at the same times as normal. All play areas will be open as normal.

  • After school care (Oscar/Kelly Sport), will continue with operators procedures in place.

  • Gatherings of staff for morning tea/meetings etc are discouraged. No morning teas provided.

  • Friday briefings are in the Hall. All other meetings will be physically distanced.

Transition Plan from Level 2 to 3

The next school day after changing to Level 3, all staff who were due to work that day will attend a Staff Only Day, starting at 8am, to help organise our Distance Learning Programme. Children of essential workers will also be on site.