Zac McCallum — Sep 24, 2018

Find out what is happening in our library

Our library is now on Instagram

To further promote the library and the awesome books that we have I have set up an Instagram account for the library.  This will feature photos of books, library displays and events in the library.  I decided on Instagram because it's a great way to visually highlight what is happening in the library and kids don't have to have an account to view the photos.  There is a link on our library website to our Instagram page or you can search for 'Halswell Readers.'

Check out our library website 

Book suggestions form

Another feature that I've recently added to the library website is a book suggestion form.  If you or your children would like to see a book or series in the library that we don't already have please feel free to fill out the form and I'll add your suggestions to my 'To Buy' list.

Book Fair and Book Week

Our whole school Book Week is coming up in week 4 of Term 4.  Throughout the week we'll be celebrating books throughout the school, with a focus on picture books.  There will be lots of different activities and competitions going and we'll also have our Scholastic Book Fair in the library during this week.  There will be a Book Character Dress Up Day on Friday 9 November so start having a think about what costume your children might like to wear as part of this.  They could come as a specific character or a generic character like a dinosaur, pirate or princess.

Boys Night at the Library

It is the boy's and dad's turn for a special night in the library next term.  We will be having local author Gavin Bishop come to talk about his new book, Cook's Cook, and highlighting other great books for boys.  This will be in mid-November and there will be more details early next term.

Donations of colouring pens

We go through a huge amount of colouring pens each year in our library because our kids love colouring in at lunch time.  There never seems to be enough pens, however many sets we purchase.  If you have any colouring pens or pencils at home that you no longer need we would love them in the library.  Feel free just to drop them in to the library before or after school and leave them on the library desk.

Feedback on book numbers

Early next term I will put a link to a quick survey in the newsletter.  I want to review the number of books that children are allowed to borrow and get your opinions.  Do your children come home with too many library books, just the right amount or not enough?  Stay tuned.