Zac McCallum — Jun 12, 2019

Find out what is happening in our library

Book Bingo

As well as the Hell Pizza Wheels to encourage reading we also have Halswell Book Bingo.  There are three levels to work towards - Bronze, Silver and Gold.  For each level there are different challenges - read a book on a swing, read a fantasy book,  or read a magazine.  Each level is slightly harder, with different types of books to read and more books to read to complete the level.  This is a programme that any children throughout the school can work towards, usually starting with Bronze and working their way through the levels.  It is designed to be a fun challenge for all readers, with every child who completes a level receiving a certificate and a badge.

The levels have been updated this year, with some slightly different challenges added.  If your child would like to take part in Book Bingo they just need to come and see me in the library to pick up a Book Bingo sheet.

Book Chat Face Snap Competition

This is a cool new competition that we'll be running in the lead up to the July school holidays.  The idea of the competition is to get parents and their children sharing a good book together.  Here is how it will work:

1. Both the student and their parent (or caregiver) read Chapter 1 of the same book (chosen by the child). For Year 0-4 this can be a picture book that you share together.

2. Parent and child chat about the book, e.g. What do you think so far?  What do you think might happen next?  What was your favourite part?

3. Get a photo taken of the 2 of you (with the book cover visible).  This photo may be used in our school newsletter.

4. Email the photo of your 'Book Chat' to by Wednesday 24 July.

One winner will be chosen by a guest judge and the winning parent and child will win a double movie pass and a book voucher to enjoy some quality time together.

Get thinking of a book that you might like to read together.