Whanau Hui Invite

Lisa Dovey —

Tēnā koutou,

We warmly invite our nga Māori whānau and community to be a part of our Term 4 Whānau Hui.

The Whānau Hui is for all Māori whānau at Halswell School. It is an opportunity to share your ideas about how we can raise the profile of Te Reo and Tikanga Māori at Halswell, and enhance the achievements of our Maori students.

This will take place on Wednesday 13th November 5.30pm - 6.30pm in the staffroom. All are welcome and some food will be provided. Children are welcome to join us.

RSVP via this form by Friday 8th November if your whānau will be attending.

If you have any questions please email nicky.edwards@halswell.school.nz

Ngā mihi nui,

Halswell Staff.