Principal's Desk
Tēnā koutou e te whānau
The rather sudden return to Alert Level 2 over the weekend has unfortunately caused more disruption this week. Despite this, we were pleased to be able to go ahead with this afternoon’s Meet the Teacher Learning Conferences. If you took part in a conference over the last couple of weeks, I hope that you found it to be a valuable opportunity to build a strong connection with your child’s T group teacher and help your child set some meaningful goals for the new school year.
Thank you to the parents and staff who attended last Tuesday night’s Positive Education presentation. We were delighted with the fantastic turn-out. John Quinn and Dr Sarah Anticich shared some great messages about the critical role wellbeing plays in developing the confident and well-rounded individuals we all hope our children will become. I have attached the slides from John and Sarah’s presentation to this article.
This presentation was part of the community consultation process the Board is currently undertaking. On Friday, we will also be sending out an online survey to our community to capture your thoughts and aspirations for the future.
The survey will be followed by a presentation on the Developing Brain from Nathan Wallis at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 March. The Board of Trustees will also be facilitating a Years 1-4 parent focus group at 9.00am Wednesday 10 March and a Years 5-8 parent focus group at 7.00pm on Thursday 11 March. If you would like to take a part in one of these groups, please let the Office know by the end of this week.
I would really encourage all parents to get involved in as many of the above-mentioned opportunities as possible. Your feedback will have a direct influence on how education will be delivered at Halswell School moving forward. These are exciting times for our school and we would love you to be part of it.
Ngā mihi nui
Stuart Cameron