Hero video
School Disco
Video by Halswell School Media Team

PTA Update


Calling All Bakers

Our Quiz Night fundraiser is fast approaching and we plan to hold a cake auction but we need your help! If you're able to bake a cake (although doesn't have to be a cake, can be anything) and donate it towards our cake auction then we would be so grateful. Cake boxes are available from the office for you to present your amazing baking in. We still need a few helpers for the quiz to make the evening run smoothly so if you're free on Saturday 17th September then we'd love you to please get in touch with us via email: pta@halswell.school.nz


What an amazing night everyone had at the disco last week. It was so much fun to be able to bring our kids together again and they all had a blast - some even saying it was the best disco ever!As well as being a fun social event, the disco is also a fundraiser and we're pleased to say we raised almost $3500 which will be put towards more resources for our tamariki. We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the staff and parents who came down to help. We appreciate you giving up your time to make the disco run smoothly.