Hero photograph
Photo by Parent Teacher Association at Halswell School

PTA News - In Brief

Parent Teacher Association at Halswell School —

Next PTA meeting, Tuesday 19 June 2018 at 7pm in the staff lounge.

Auction Items Needed 

Acclaimed comedian Urzila Carlson is set to entertain on Thursday 2 August at Halswell School. All proceeds from the event will go towards the new tiered seating in the hall and we are looking to raise further funds at the event through an auction of some prized items. We have had a limited response to our previous appeal so if you can help donate an item for auction please email pta@halswell.school.nz.  


Apart from fundraising for specialist items, such as our current drive for tiered seating to go in the school hall, the PTA amongst other things runs sausage sizzle and the tuckshop to benefit the year 5/6  and year 7/8 camps, manages and coordinates the sports uniforms, manages the road patrol roster, organises community events such as the Crusaders event last week, donates funds to each block for sports equipment, and importantly discuss and put forward our thoughts and ideas to the Board and School Leadership on a myriad of things that affect all our children. You don't need to attend every PTA meeting to be a part of this or volunteer your services. Currently a small group of parents and teachers are raising funds that benefit all your children. Besides this core group, calls for volunteers this year have resulted in exactly three people offering to help. With a school roll heading towards 700, it would be fantastic if more parents would consider donating some of their time, even if only once a term or for specialist events. The more volunteers we have, the less time everyone needs to put in. Please email pta@halswell.school.nz