Stuart Cameron — Nov 26, 2019

The 2020 term dates are set out below.  Please note that as part of the latest Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement settlement, all primary schools have been allocated eight Teacher Only Days (TOD) that are to be taken no later than 30 June 2022. The school will be closed for children on these days but the staff will be on-site working on professional development initiatives.

We understand that this may cause some inconvenience for families so where possible, we have deliberately aligned the TODs with public holidays.  This was not possible in Term 3 however, as there are no public holidays during this term. 

We are also letting families know now, to maximise the amount of time you have to make alternative arrangements for your children on these dates.

Please diary the following TOD dates for 2020:

Term 2: Week 5: Friday 29 May (to align with Queens Birthday Weekend)

Term 3: Week 5, Monday 17 August

Term 4: Week 6, Monday 16 November (to align with Canterbury Anniversary) 

2020 Term Dates :

Term 1: Monday 3 February - Thursday 9 April

Term 2: Tuesday 28 April - Friday 3 July

Term 3: Monday 20 July - Friday 25 September

Term 4: Monday 12 October - Thursday 17 December