Halswell School Board of Trustees — Dec 17, 2017

Survey and Strategic Planning:

We recently sought your opinion via the school survey and would like to thank each of you for the responses provided. This is the second year we have run the survey and your feedback has been considered in the Strategic planning for 2018 and beyond. The results of the survey are summarised below in the graphs and key findings.

This year we also asked whether international travel should continue and we are pleased to report that the majority of the school community would like to see this continue. We took on board your comments about the trips being self-funding, and we can confirm that the 2017 trip to Japan was fully funded by the travelling students and their fundraising efforts, and all trips in the future will only go ahead if they are self-funded.

Your feedback has been read and analysed in a similar manner to last year’s comments. Please refer to the graphs below, and the summary comments.

Key findings from the Survey

Please see the two graphs in the photo gallery below

Summary Comments

Based on this feedback from the community and strategic planning with the teaching staff, the following will be the key areas we will be working on in 2018 and beyond:

Thanks again for your feedback. Enjoy the festive season and the summer break. We look forward to seeing you back in the new year.