Hero photograph
Photo by Stuart Cameron

Principal Pānui

Stuart Cameron —

Tēnā koutou e te Whānau

Last week, around 300 of our Years 5-8 students participated in camps at Living Springs (Years 5&6) and Wainui YMCA (Years 7&8). As you can imagine, this was a huge logistical effort. I want to acknowledge all of the hard work that our teachers, particularly Team Leaders Melissa Botha and Lisa Dovey, put into the camps throughout the week. 

We were also fortunate to have a fantastic group of parent helpers at each camp. These types of rich experiences simply wouldn't be possible without this level of parental support and it was greatly appreciated. 

I was fortunate to spend time at both Wainui and Living Springs and was extremely impressed with how well the children embraced all the challenges offered to them. Our school values were also clearly on display with a real sense of whanaungatanga and manaakitanga evident across the week. 

As the season changes to Autumn, there are lots of coughs, colds and bugs circulating within our school community. We have also had several confirmed cases of COVID in the last couple of weeks. If your child is exhibiting any symptoms of illness please keep them at home. I appreciate that this can be a challenge for working families but having sick children at school places everyone else at risk. Thank you for your understanding.

Finally, on a more positive note, I hope you will be able to join us on Friday at 9:15 a.m. for our full school assembly hosted by Ōtāwhito.

Ngā mihi nui

Stuart Cameron