Zac McCallum — May 25, 2020

Find out what is happening in our library

We're back!

It is so fantastic to be back in our library and to see it buzzing with kids. I know lots of your children were very eager to get some new books after having the same ones for 7 weeks.  I've been adding heaps of new books to the library, so as well as some old favourites, there are lots of new books to discover.

Thanks to those of you who used our free trial of Wheelers eBooks during lockdown.  It was great to see this resource being used. Now that we are back at school our Wheelers trial is finished and we have decided not to subscribe to this resource for now. Christchurch City Libraries have a fantastic selection of eBooks and eAudiobooks that kids and adults can borrow (with a library card and pin number). If anyone wants some help to get set up with the Christchurch City Libraries eBooks please let me know and I can run through it with you.

Hell Pizza Wheel Reading Promotion

The Hell Pizza Wheel reading promotion is back for another year. Children can come and get a pizza wheel from our library any time (or from any of the Christchurch City Libraries branches). Here is how it works:

1. Read 7 books to get a free kids pizza from Hell Pizza.

2. For every book your child reads either a parent or teacher needs to sign a segment of the pizza wheel.

3. When your child has 7 signatures on their pizza wheel they bring it to the library and I click it with the star hole punch and stamp it.  They can then take this to any Hell Pizza branch to redeem their free pizza.

Children can complete as many pizza wheels as they like between now and 1 December.  They can only redeem one pizza per visit (if you have several children with completed pizza wheels to redeem this is fine).

If you have any questions about this please come and see me in the library or email me -

Scholastic Book Fair and Book Club

Unfortunately due to the lockdown and other Covid-19 measures in place, we won't be holding a Scholastic Book Fair this term as planned. We will still have our Book Fair in early Term 4 though.

The good news is that we will have some extra Scholastic Book Club brochures going home this term and in Term 3 so that you can get your book fix.  Have a look out for Book Club brochures coming home in school bags at the beginning of next week.  

Book Club orders will be online only from now on, with no cash/cheque orders being taken.  You can order online through the Scholastic Loop app (you'll find the information about this on the back of the Book Club brochure or at If you are not able to do an online order please see me in the library as I can put this through for you.

Scholastic Book Club orders will need to be completed online by 5pm Wednesday 10th June.