Rob Naysmith — Feb 19, 2019

Choir/vocal group, Percussion Group, Orchestra

Starting next week we will have auditions for Choir and Vocal group as well as a soon to be formed Percussion group. Orchestra will also start next week.

If your child is wanting to audition for senior choir they need to sign up on the sheet in the music room. All children wanting to be in Senior choir must audition, everyone will get in but we need to hear them so we can place them correctly. From these auditions children for Vocal Group will be selected.

This year we will be starting a Percussion Ensemble. This is open to children in year 4-8 who are currently learning drums or piano. Catherine Wall our drum tutor will be taking the group which will initially be 10 children playing a variety of tuned and untuned percussion instruments. If your child wants to audition for this group please get them to sign up on the sheet in the music room.

Orchestra - If your child is interested in joining the orchestra this year they will need to meet Mrs Chapman in the music room on Wednesday at 8:30am with their instrument.