Anita Head — May 13, 2019

What are the "Thinking Sheets"?

One part of our school Behaviour Management Plan are the Thinking Sheets.  These are used to provide children with an opportunity to stop and reflect upon their behaviour and think about the possible impact on others and what changes they can make to their behaviour.

Following the "thinking" time, they have a discussion with their teacher and are then required to take the sheet home for their parents to see.  This may also be combined with an email from the teacher, depending on the nature of the behaviour involved.

If your child happens to bring home a "Thinking Sheet", please have a talk with them about what happened and use the prompts on the sheet and their reflection as a guide.  The sheet then needs to be signed and returned to school.  

Please note that bringing home a Thinking Sheet does not necessarily mean that there is a major behaviour problem.  For many children it is simply an opportunity to take responsibility for their actions and fix the situation.  The sheets also provide a way of keeping parents informed of any behaviour issues.

There are slightly different sheets for each level of the school - tailored to be appropriate for the age of the children.  However, they all share the common ideas of "tell the story", "explore the harm", "repair the harm", "learn and move on".  

See below for an example of the sheets.