The weekly newsletter of Hamilton Boys' High School
What you need to know for the week beginning Monday the 21st of November, 2022.
Monday 21st November:
Service Work Day - Years 9 & 10
Teacher Only Day (MOE)
Tuesday 22nd November:
NISS Junior Volleyball competition
Pd 2: Year 9 Formal Assembly
BOT Meeting 5-7pm
Wednesday 23rd November:
NISS Junior Volleyball competition
Year 10ABL Camp
Pd 3: Year 10 Formal Assembly
Thursday 24th November:
NISS Junior Volleyball competition
NISS Junior Water Polo Cup
Year 10ABL Camp
Te Rā Tuakiri: Charity Day
Year 8 Whānau Evening 6-8pm
Friday 25th November:
NISS Junior Volleyball competition
NISS Junior Water Polo Cup
Year 10ABL Camp
Saturday 26th November:
NISS Junior Water Polo Cup
Sunday 27th November:
NISS Junior Water Polo Cup