Liam Weston — Aug 11, 2022

The annual New Zealand Secondary Schools Case Competition for Economics students got underway in Week 10 of Term 2. HBHS entered two teams. The preliminary round required teams of four to think of a strategy for Apple to innovate their Apple Watch. Team ‘Financial Problem’ consisting of Liam Weston, Hassan Naveed, Matthew Nicol, and Meekal Medhi came up with the Baby iBand which aimed at increasing the Apple target audience in the new parents industry. The judges were impressed and we advanced to the finals, which meant we were in the top five in New Zealand.

At the start of Term 3 we were given a week to prepare two strategies to improve Subway’s promotion and product issues. We targeted improving their app for the promotion and offering Halal meats to improve their product. As part of the task we had to provide current and projected financial statements on our strategies. We also had to prepare a Powerpoint presentation and deliver it via a Zoom meeting.

Although the judges were complimentary and offered lots of positive feedback, unfortunately, we finished fourth. Nevertheless, it was a great experience and enhanced our understanding of economic concepts and principles in a real-world context.